
My exclusive painless technique will leave your skin buttery smooth & have you wondering why you ever settled for less! I NEVER Double Dip My Wax Sticks!! Soft Soy-Based NON-WAX Formula

Caution: With the use of Accutane, Retin-A, Renova, AHA’s Topicals, Botox, Collagen, Antibiotics, and other medications, or when the skin is irritated from sunburn, laser procedures or deep chemical peel, it is not advisable to have waxing or other treatments until symptoms have disappeared.

Forehead- Ten

I carefully study the structure of your face to sculpt the beautiful brows you’ve always dreamed of!
Brow Sculpt- Twenty

Brow Design (wax, tweeze, trim & tint last 2 weeks)- Thirty

Ears- Ten

Side Burns- Ten

Cheek- Ten

Nose- Ten

Lip- Twelve

Chin- Ten

Neck- Twelve

Shoulders- Twenty

Underarm- Twenty

Half arm- Twenty

Full arm- Thirty Five

Hands- Ten

Chest- Twenty

Stomach- Twenty

Stomach Line- Ten

Back- Fifty

Brazilian Etiquette- I do not trim, trim before. Not while on Menstrual cycle. No more then a month in a half of hair growth. (1/2-1″ length, 2 1/2 – 3 weeks of hair growth ideal). Wax monthly!

Bikini- Forty

Female Brazilian- Sixty

Buttocks- Twenty

Half Leg- Forty

Full Leg- Seventy Five

Toes- Ten

Tint- Last 2 weeks

Eyelash Tint- Twenty Great for blondes and faux redheads.